Web Store Installation


Oops, we've detected a problem with your environment that will conflict with Web Store. The environment check results are shown below. Anything that has failed will need to be addressed, then just refresh this page.

There are issues with your PHP environment which need to be fixed before you can install WebStore. Please check the chart below for required changes to your PHP installation which must be changed, and subdirectories which you need to make writeable. (Making php.ini changes on a web hosting service will vary by company. Please consult their technical support for exact instructions.)

php.ini file is at /etc/php/7.4/fpm/php.inipass
PHP Sessionpass
cURL Supportpass
cURL SSL Supportpass
Multi-Byte String Librarypass
GD Librarypass
GD Library GIFpass
GD Library JPGpass
GD Library PNGpass
MCrypt Encryption Libraryfail
session.use_cookies must be turned Onfail
PDO Librarypass
pdo_mysql Librarypass
pdo_sqlite Libraryfail
Php_xml librarypass
Zip Librarypass
Soap Libraryfail
Default timezonefail
/images folder must be writeablefail
/runtime folder must be writeablefail